Sze Kinglau

My goal is to celebrate and present the pleasures of life through my work.

Growing up in a small village, the harmony of nature, the meaning of a home, and simple humanity are what I feel important and often miss the most.

Promoting the beauty in our daily life by painting subjects that warms our heart, that makes us feel happy, through those activities that we can encounter almost every day like hanging the laundries, watching the sunset while you are driving home, finding the different animal shapes in the clouds. By looking at things with a different perspective and vivid imagination, a new horizon will be created.

I often find objects that are broken or that randomly appear on my window surprisingly beautiful. In this fast pace world, painting is my solution to slow things down and cherish each event and each person in my life.

As a self-taught artist, I am definitely not afraid of using colors or thinking out of the box and going through many different experiments until I am able to achieve, the message, the forms and the meanings I would like to represent.




June 10, 2013