Alain Bonnefoit

Mr. ALAIN BONNEFOIT is a famous French artist wood – and stone – carver. He studied with the French sculptor, painter – Antoniucci Volti. He also creates French “SUMI-E” drawing on rice paper, He uses mixed technology. Called as the painter of “Venus – God” as his work is” dedicated to woman and her curves”.

Around the world has held many personal art exhibitions, he was invited to participate in internationally renowned art fairs such as “Art en Capital” of the Grand Palais” in Paris, France; SNBA’s Salon Exhibition in Louvre Carrousel; Switzerland, Florence, Italy, Modern Art in South Korea, Seoul Arts Center, Tokyo, Japan, Tahiti Gauguin Museum; He has served as the International Art Exhibition Jurist.

In 2012, he obtained a world famous French drawing award-Puvis de Chavannes.

Alain Bonnefoit is known as Europe’s most renowned painter of nudes. This painting illustrates his impeccable understanding of form. The beautiful colors and patterns frame the body in an effortlessly graceful way.




January 30, 2017